Mock Screens / Interviewing Services


General Retail - Our Retail practice interview is geared towards those within (or targeting) retail/shopping/in-store roles. Based on your completed questionnaire and/or resume, certain questions will be tailored towards your background (as well as several general interviewing questions). If retail is your space, this interview’s for you! 

60 mins |  $179  

Restaurant & Dining

Food & Dining - Our Food Service interview is targeted towards those within the restaurant/service industry and gauges individuals’ understanding of customer service, team operations, and a host of more general operational questions (working with registers, etc.) This interview’s for the foodies!

60 mins |  $179 

Delivery & Courier

The Delivery interview preparation is meant to cover all roles within the courier space; ranging from Lyft/Uber driver to bike courier and food delivery. It takes into account one’s experience and goes into many of the general problem-solving questions that will arise during one’s hiring process for these roles. For those always on the move, this interview is for you!

60 mins |  $169


Aviation - Our Airline/Travel practice interview is directed specifically to individuals within, or looking to join, the aviation industry. Questions will be based on your completed questionnaire and/or resume, however, a number of questions will be directly from aviation interviews and gauge understanding of service, languages, and the industry. If you’re in the business of flying, this interview’s for you! 

60 mins |  $189 


Hotel - Our Hotel interview is targeted towards those within the hotel/service industry and dives into individuals’ understanding of customer service, team operations, and a host of more general operational questions. These can include working with registers, knowledge of booking services, locations, and more. If this is your industry, start your prep with us!

60 mins |  $189  

Warehouse & Distribution

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.e can make all the difference. 

60 mins |  $169