Frequently asked questions.

What Happens During a Practice Interview?

During your Mock Interview sessions with our Professional Coaches, you will be conducting an interview just as if you were actually doing one for the job. This will involve tailored questions (based on your own resume), as well as industry specific questions. Afterwards you will receive feedback and one-on-one information on the interview, approaches, and strategies. Our team will provide a detailed report on the interview, and tips based on your answers to help guide you for your next real-world interview!

I'm trying to decide between the different resume services. What is the difference between them?

Our interview options are based on the industry that a professional is either currently in, or currently targeting. As far as level of experience - our service is tailored towards professionals ranging from entry-level to seasoned workers with 10-15 years of experience. We do not offer any Executive Interview Prep at this time.

Why The Different Prices?

The variance in price in our Mock Phone Screen packages is reflective of our practice of always connecting clients with a former hiring expert from their specific industry. For certain industries, those experts can have varying prices and so we have set our package prices to correlate. However, ALL of our Resume Packages are the same price! These packages are tailor-made from our in-house experts for each specific industry.

Can I Just Purchase a Resume?

You can purchase any combination of services you like! Many of our clients purchase a resume - and once they secure an interview, they purchase the interview prep. However, we have quite a few clients with completed resumes and are already nearing the interview phase. They are looking for a fast, in-depth preparatory service and decide to just select a Mock Screen. You are free to select any combination of services that meets your needs! Click here to view our resume services and here to view our mock interviewing options.

Do you work with candidates outside the US?

Yes! However, at this time we only work in English and on English resumes, but we can work with candidates anywhere. To date, we've worked with professionals throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America. Please note however, all clients were targeting roles within the USA, and were looking to do a mock interview to get a better understanding of what to expect. Our service is perfect for those looking to learn more about the interview process while furthering their own skills!

Do I Need Microsoft Word/Office to Access the Resume Packages?


We know this might seem like a hinderance, but it is by FAR the most professional suite of software. It would be impossible to be in a business setting without it, and in this era, almost any job that involves anything technical, will require some basic knowledge of Office. ALL of our Resume Packages are Word formatted. This formatting will not work in a free word processing platform (such as Google’s). We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. However, our service is made to replicate the real-life flow of a professional job application - having a word formatted resume (which all companies can read) is a real part of that process.

I am Ready to Proceed. How Do I Move Forward?

We’re glad to hear it! Feel free to check out our Resume or Interview Packages and select the appropriate one. From there you will have options to order, and our team will follow up to confirm interview timing and resume receipt. You can view all the steps to the Phone Interview Order process here as well!!